If you travel for business and have a Verizon, AT&T or other cellular MiFi (mobile broadband) connection, you may have received an extra large bill from overage on your data plan.  Very often, the high usage does not make sense and it could be caused by things that you aren’t even doing.

You may not be aware of it, but your Windows operating system (XP,7 and 8) often checks for Windows security updates and may download large amount of patches behind scenes.  This is also the case for Microsoft Office, Adobe products and several other software packages.

To manage an Internet connection that may have additional fees, Microsoft has created what is called “Metered Internet connection” in Windows 8.  By setting your MiFi to a metered Internet connection, it automatically disables Windows, applications and offline files from downloading and/or uploading data behind the scenes.

If you have any questions about Windows 8 or metered  connections, please give us a call at 312-361-3800 or e-mail us at info@bandwidthsimplified.com